
Remote studio session recording

In this ever-changing digital world of recorded music, remote tracking has quickly become a preferred medium for many artists, songwriters, engineers, and producers. Fixed and unexpected costs of traditional studio sessions, as well as challenges of transportation, accommodation, time constraints, and studio and engineer availability can be minimized without sacrificing the quality and integrity of a well executed track performed by a professional musician.

Initial Inquiry
Contact me to discuss, without fee or obligation, your recording project. Together we will implement a plan for your tracking needs, decide on a firm deadline for me to deliver the track(s), and confirm a mutually agreeable fee.

The Process
1.  Send your sound file(s), along with any charts, scores, or other performance indicators, in the format of your choosing.
2.  Record, in low-latency real-time with you as the producer, using a plug-in to connect my DAW to yours for high quality audio and Skype, FaceTime, or Zoom for video communication. The track(s) and/or stem(s) can then be sent to you immediately following our session.
3.  Or, I perform the part(s) and send back a rough mix for your approval by an agreed upon deadline (up to three different takes depending on the material).
4.  The approved, mixable raw tracks you receive from me will have no effects or compression added (unless specifically requested), no additional permission requirements, and can be used by you or your production team free of restriction. I can also add professional EQ, effects, compression, or other digital enhancements to the track(s) that would be suitable for the mastering phase of your project.  

Instrumentation Options
The following options are available for tracking in the style/genre of your choosing:
classical nylon-string guitar, steel-string acoustic guitar, electric guitar (single-coil or humbucker with or without effects), 5-string banjo, 4-string tenor banjo, mandolin, ukulele, charango, voice (sung or spoken).